
Foreign Ministers of Germany and Ukraine visit Odesa

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During a joint trip on February 24, the foreign ministers of Germany and Ukraine visited the port of Odesa and the Transfiguration Cathedral, which suffered from russian attacks.

On Saturday, February 24, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba arrived in Odesa on a visit. This was reported by UNN with reference to DW.


It is noted that Annalena Burbock visited Odesa accompanied by her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleb. Together they visited the port of Odesa, which is often the target of russian attacks, and also the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was damaged by a Russian strike  .

This is Burbank's sixth visit to Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war.

Зеленський разом з фон дер Ляєн, Трюдо, де Кроо, Мелоні та вшанували пам'ять полеглих захисників 24.02.24, 14:50


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