
Energy Minister explains why Ukraine needs to implement new nuclear projects now

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The development of nuclear power will meet the growing need for affordable and clean energy during the economic recovery after the victory. Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said this during a telethon, UNN reports, citing the Ministry of Energy.

Any projects in nuclear energy are long-term. Therefore, waiting for our victory and then starting these projects is, in my opinion, not the right approach. After the victory, we will need a large number of generating units to restore and develop Ukraine

- the minister said.

He added that the main stages of construction and installation of new nuclear generation should be implemented now.

The Ministry of Energy reminded that nuclear generation currently produces about 60% of electricity in Ukraine. 


Earlier, the Minister of Energy stated the need to develop nuclear and alternative energy in Ukraine. According to him, nuclear power will provide basic generation, and alternative energy will provide peak loads.

На тлі загрози російських атак: Україна закликає МАГАТЕ пришвидшити розгортання моніторингових місій на ключових підстанціях АЕС21.09.24, 19:34


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