
Despite the shelling of the Ukrenergo substation: no electricity shortage is expected in Ukraine

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Russians shelled one of Ukrenergo's substations in eastern Ukraine, damaging equipment. At the same time, the company emphasizes that no shortage of electricity is expected.

Russians shelled one of Ukrenergo's substations in eastern Ukraine and damaged equipment. Despite this, no electricity shortage is expected in Ukraine. This is reported by the press service of the National Energy Company "Ukrenergo", UNN reports.


In the east, in the frontline area, the enemy launched an artillery attack on one of Ukrenergo's substations. The personnel were not injured, the equipment was damaged. Emergency repair works will start after the military authorization

- the company summarized. 

It is noted that the capacity of Ukrenergo's high-voltage networks is sufficient to cover the existing demand.

Grids of Ukrenergo and oblenergos

Due to weather conditions, 50 settlements in Dnipropetrovs'k, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Zhytomyr and Khmelnytsky regions were cut off from electricity supply in the morning.

For technical reasons, there is a power outage in the Kyiv region.

Due to the fighting and other reasons, 352 settlements remain without power in the morning. There are new damages due to shelling in the networks of Donetsk and Kharkiv regions.


Yesterday, on Monday, February 5, the daily maximum consumption was recorded at around 11:30 am. It was 1% lower than on the previous business day, February 2.

As of 09:30 today, electricity consumption is 1.2% higher than on Monday, February 5. The reason is the cold snap in the east and north of the country. 

Electricity generation

Electricity generated by power plants of all types is sufficient to supply all legal and household consumers. No deficit in the power system is expected

- the  company says.

Ukrenergo added that within days, 2 power units at thermal power plants were taken out of service for maintenance.

Україна через профіцит знову передавала надлишки електроенергії Польщі - Міненерго05.02.24, 10:04


Today, exports are carried out at night to Moldova. The total volume is 355 MWh, with a maximum capacity of up to 70 MW in some hours.

Electricity is imported throughout the day from Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova. The total volume is 6,703 MWh, with a maximum capacity of up to 1,154 MW in some hours. Starting from December 1, the technical possibility of importing electricity from Europe to Ukraine and Moldova is 1,700 MW.


The Ministry of Energy also assures that the electricity produced by Ukrainian power plants is enough to meet the needs of consumers. 

The agency emphasizes that the system is balanced. The use of stabilization schedules for outages is not expected.

Also, according to the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the water level in the cooling pond on the territory of the occupied ZNPP is decreasing.

A slight decrease in the water level in the plant's cooling pond is recorded - it is 15.59 meters. This is sufficient to meet the needs of ZNPP

- the ministry summarized.


The Ministry of Energy stated that in winter, Ukrainian industry began to consume significantly more electricity. In addition, the volume of electricity consumption by households increased.


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