Ukrainian hackers "hacked" IPL Consulting, which worked for the russian defense industry

Ukrainian hackers "hacked" IPL Consulting, which worked for the russian defense industry

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 27 2024, 08:16 AM  •  70163 views

Ukrainian cyber specialists destroyed the IT infrastructure of the russian company IPL Consulting, which provided information systems to russian military-industrial enterprises. This caused significant damage and disrupted the work of dozens of key russian defense companies.

Ukrainian cyber specialists have dealt another powerful blow to russia and destroyed the IT infrastructure of IPL Consulting. This was reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, according to UNN


The GUR emphasizes that IPL Consulting specialized in the implementation of information systems in russian industry.

The company presented itself as one of the most modern Russian enterprises that assisted in the implementation of information systems in institutions engaged in the design, production of automotive and aircraft components, heavy engineering, and production of equipment and devices, in particular in the interests of the Russian defense industry.

Revenge for Kyivstar has begun: Ukrainian hackers destroyed Rosvodokanal's IT infrastructureDecember 20 2023, 08:07 PM • 45164 views

A devastating attack against IPL Consulting was carried out by DIU specialists who penetrated the company's internal network and destroyed its entire IT infrastructure of more than 60 terabytes, dozens of servers and databases

- the intelligence summarized.


The cost of the digital data set lost by russia is being calculated. In the context of the ongoing sanctions pressure against russia, the damage caused to the enemy is extremely painful.

In addition, dozens of Russian companies working for the "defense" of the aggressor state will suffer


Hackers of the Blackjack group, who are likely to be related to the SBU, "hacked" a Russian state-owned enterprisethat builds military facilities throughout Russia.