Ukraine will be covered with clouds, rain and temperatures up to +15°C: forecast for December 9

Ukraine will be covered with clouds, rain and temperatures up to +15°C: forecast for December 9

Kyiv  •  UNN


In Ukraine, Mostly cloudy weather with different temperature conditions. Light rain is expected in Kiev at +1...+3°C, while Simferopol will be the warmest - up to +15°C.

On the territory of Ukraine, Mostly cloudy weather with different temperature conditions and local precipitation. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.


In the capital, Kiev, forecast light rain, the temperature range will be from +1 to +3°C.

Lviv will meet the day with rain and sleet, the temperature will fluctuate between +2 and +4°C.

In the central and eastern cities, such as Dnipro, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk, it will be cloudy, but without precipitation, with temperatures from +1 to +5°C. Southern cities, in particular Odessa, promise warmer, drier weather-up to +9°C.

In Simferopol, the highest temperature is predicted – up to +15°C, while in Melitopol it is expected to reach +8°C.

The average daily temperature in the country will be +3...+5°C, and moderate precipitation is possible in the western regions.

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