The SPFU plans to receive UAH 4 billion from privatization of state property this year

The SPFU plans to receive UAH 4 billion from privatization of state property this year

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 5 2024, 12:58 PM  •  21901 views

The State Property Fund of Ukraine plans to receive UAH 4 billion from the privatization of state assets this year, according to its head.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine plans to receive UAH 4 billion from the privatization of state property this year. This was announced by the head of the SPFU Vitaly Koval during a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

The State Property Fund is the management body for 2,300 enterprises, which is more than one million and 500 state-owned objects. In fact, the plan for this year is set out in the state budget - UAH 4 billion from privatization and UAH 800 million from leases. I am confident that we will fulfill this plan. January shows good dynamics

- Koval said.

According to him, the number of participants and the proportional increase in asset sales at auctions are growing.

"Today, the average number of bidders in an auction is 4. An increase of 7 or 10 times the starting price is no longer surprising," Koval said.


The State Property Fund of Ukraine has already held 31 successful auctions since the beginning of 2024 and plans to raise about UAH 534 million for the state budget.

At the end of January , it was reportedthat the state budget received the first 32 million UAH of the sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.