The occupiers came to people and forced them to vote: Fedorov makes statement about "elections" in TOT

The occupiers came to people and forced them to vote: Fedorov makes statement about "elections" in TOT

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 18 2024, 02:50 PM  •  23645 views

There were no legitimate elections in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine, the occupiers went door-to-door and forced people to vote for the appropriate candidate, the head of the Zaporizhzhia regional military administration said.

There were no elections in the temporarily occupied territories in the sense we are used to. The occupiers came to people and forced them to vote for the appropriate candidate. The head of Zaporizhzhia DEC Ivan Fedorov said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

"We are all aware that there were no elections in the temporarily occupied territories in the sense that we are used to. There was nothing even similar to what we call elections. For the last month, the enemy has been holding a farce in the temporarily occupied territories that they called elections. First of all, the enemy tried to get to every person living in the TOT during this month. The military came to the apartment with some incomprehensible lists and forced them to put their vote. They usually showed us who to vote for," said Fedorov.

He added that yesterday the propagandists claimed that the turnout was 85%, but "no one understands where these 85% came from, who these people are, who voted, we do not understand and, of course, our international partners do not understand.

"Of course, the bulk of people who voted were 90% "touring" or military personnel who came to the temporarily occupied territory. A month ago, voting allegedly started and it even took place at military positions, at military bases. We understand for sure that our residents did not vote for this. And it is not clear at all who the people who voted were," Fedorov added.


The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the holding of presidential elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine and the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova.