The head of the Ministry of Health spoke about Ukraine's preparations for possible pandemics of infectious diseases, including X

The head of the Ministry of Health spoke about Ukraine's preparations for possible pandemics of infectious diseases, including X

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 24 2024, 02:55 PM  •  22816 views

Ukraine's Health Minister Viktor Lyashko said that the country is ready for possible pandemics, including "disease X". The readiness is due to improved human resources and infrastructure, as well as global partnerships.

Health care institutions have managed to provide human resources, improve their material and technical base, and launch a global partnership that allows them to be prepared for any possible infectious disease pandemics, including disease X.

This was announced during a briefing by Health Minister Viktor Lyashko, reports UNN.


Lyashko said that at the 77th World Health Organization Assembly, which will be held at the end of May, countries may potentially consider a new pandemic agreement that will regulate mechanisms for dealing with a potential pandemic X.

Now everyone is preparing their healthcare systems for a potentially new pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of a particular infectious disease," Lyashko said. He emphasized that Ukraine is no different from other countries, and is also doing certain things to make this system work in the country. "We have identified three components that are key to preparedness. These are people, a strong laboratory network, and global partnerships. Regarding people, over the past three years we have reorganized the network of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Lyashko added.

The Minister added that Ukraine is funding healthcare institutions to respond to a possible pandemic.

Collective concept of possible pathology - Golubovska on "disease X"January 18 2024, 08:19 AM • 24849 views

In 2023, 193 healthcare institutions received an additional package from the National Health Service of Ukraine called "preparedness to respond to epidemics or outbreaks of infectious diseases". We have spent UAH 2 billion 385 million on this preparedness. The requirements stipulate that the funds are used to finance specialists who need to undergo relevant trainings, equip intensive care units, and purchase the necessary equipment

- Lyashko said.

In addition, he said, these institutions stock a so-called "medical basket" that includes appropriate medicines, which allows them to be ready to respond immediately during a pandemic, epidemic, or outbreak of an infectious disease.

We have provided human resources, improved the material and technical base and launched a global partnership that allows us to be prepared (for possible pandemics)."

- Lyashko said. 

The Health Minister also said that Pandemic X can be any disease that can appear suddenly and lead to the same situation as during the coronavirus.


The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus, emphasized the importance of preparing for the new "disease X", expressing hope that countries will reach a Pandemic Compact by May this year.