Russian commanders in Donetsk region ordered not to capture Ukrainian soldier, but to cut off his head - Kostin

Russian commanders in Donetsk region ordered not to capture Ukrainian soldier, but to cut off his head - Kostin

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 18 2024, 01:27 PM  •  22908 views

The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine has received information that Russian commanders ordered not to take Ukrainian servicemen prisoner, but to kill them by beheading. The fact of the beheading of a Ukrainian defender was recorded in Donetsk region.

Commanders of the Russian army in Donetsk region ordered not to take Ukrainian soldiers prisoner, but to kill them instead. The fact of beheading of a Ukrainian defender was recorded, said Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, reports UNN.

New horrifying evidence of Russia's criminal policy aimed at destroying Ukrainians. We have received information that Russian commanders have ordered not to take Ukrainian servicemen prisoner, but instead to kill them with inhuman cruelty - by beheading. The fact of the beheading of a Ukrainian defender was recorded in Donetsk region

- Kostin wrote on the social network X.

He emphasized that this is another proof that the war crimes committed by the aggressor are not isolated incidents, but a planned strategy of the Russian regime. According to the OGP, these criminal orders were given at the level of battalion and company leadership of the occupation forces.

"We will not leave these crimes unpunished. I call on the entire civilized world to isolate and punish the terrorist country," Kostin emphasized.

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