Romania to transfer Patriot air defense system to Ukraine

Romania to transfer Patriot air defense system to Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 20 2024, 11:55 AM  •  22237 views

Romania will transfer its Patriot air defense system to Ukraine in accordance with the decision of the National Defense Council of the country.

Romania will transfer the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. The decision was made by the National Defense Council of the country, reports UNN


It is reported that the Romanian Ministry of Defense has presented to the National Defense Council a detailed analysis of the operational status of four Patriot systems and the progress of the program to equip three other systems, as well as the consequences of a possible transfer of one of the systems.

Given the significant deterioration of the security situation in Ukraine due to Russia's constant and massive attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including energy, and the regional implications of this situation, in particular for Romania's security, in close coordination with allies, the Council members decided to donate one Patriot system to Ukraine

- reads a statement on the Romanian president's website.

It is noted that the transfer of the Patriot is subject to Romania continuing negotiations with allies, in particular with the American strategic partner, to obtain a similar or equivalent system to meet the needs of protecting the country's national airspace.

"Romania's position has been and will remain unequivocal in its multilateral support for Ukraine, together with the international community, in its legitimate right to self-defense in the face of illegal and unprovoked Russian aggression," the statement added.


Also at today's meeting, the Council members reviewed and approved the composition of the Romanian Armed Forces that could be provided to participate in missions and operations outside Romania's territory in 2025.