Rescue operations after missile strike in Poltava completed: remains are being identified

Rescue operations after missile strike in Poltava completed: remains are being identified

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 5 2024, 03:04 PM  •  11651 views

Emergency and rescue operations at the site of a rocket attack on an educational institution in Poltava have been completed. According to the State Emergency Service, 55 people were killed and 328 injured. Identification of the recovered remains is ongoing.

Emergency rescue operations at the site of a rocket attack on an educational institution in Poltava have been completed, UNN reports, citing the State Emergency Service.

According to rescuers, 55 people died and 328 were injured.

"Currently, experts are identifying the remains of human bodies," the SES added.

Зеленський про атаку на Полтавський військовий інститут зв'язку: прорахований удар рфSeptember 5 2024, 01:57 PM • 12786 views


The head of the Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region, Kostyantyn Semeniuk, said that law enforcement  is considering both the possibility of a reconnaissance drone and the possibility of an enemy missile hitting the territory of the educational institution.

Трагедія у Полтаві: окупанти вдарили по військовому навчальному закладу, командування Сухопутних військ проводить розслідування та посилює заходи безпекиSeptember 3 2024, 04:14 PM • 22372 views