Possible option of granting the United States permission to use weapons on targets in the Russian Federation without public announcement - MP

Possible option of granting the United States permission to use weapons on targets in the Russian Federation without public announcement - MP

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 30 2024, 11:16 AM  •  23981 views

It is absolutely possible that the United States can grant Ukraine permission to use American weapons to strike targets in Russia, without public announcement, it will be enough to grant permission through military channels, MP Chernev believes.

It is absolutely possible that the United States can grant Ukraine permission to use American weapons to strike targets in Russia, without public announcement. It will be enough to grant permission through military channels. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence Yegor Chernev on the air of a telethon on Thursday, reports UNN

What matters to us is the result, not the process of how it will be announced. We talked about this in the United States: "if you want, talk about it publicly, if you don't want, give us non - public permission through various channels." We have many channels. This request is primarily not from deputies, but from our military, who asked us to help solve this problem. If our military receives permission through military channels, this will be absolutely enough, no need to announce it in the New York Times, CNN or BBC. Therefore, this scenario is absolutely possible

Chernev said.

Chernev pointed out that the request for permission to hit military targets in Russia was primarily directed at the United States.

"The process has started, and this is the main thing, because we see now how one by one European countries are still expressing their positions on granting us permission to use their weapons against targets on the territory of Russia. Our request was primarily aimed at the United States, the US administration. We were in Washington two weeks ago, just with this request, received, in principle, support in the US Congress in both houses, from both parties, who sent a letter with the signatures of a dozen and a half congressmen to the Pentagon regarding this request to grant us permission to use American weapons against legitimate targets on the territory of Russia. So far, we have not received any specific response from the United States, but this launched the process, and we supported this process at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly," Chernev said.


The NATO Parliamentary Assembly at its summit adopted an amendment calling on the Alliance countries to grant Ukraine permission to use Western weapons on the territory of Russia.   

US Secretary of State Anthony Blenken did not rule outthat the United States may "adapt and correct" its position on allowing Ukraine to launch strikes with American weapons on targets in Russia.

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