Head of the Ministry of Veterans Porkhun announces his move to the Opposition Platform

Head of the Ministry of Veterans Porkhun announces his move to the Opposition Platform

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 5 2024, 08:20 AM  •  12089 views

Acting Minister of Veterans' Affairs Oleksandr Porkhun is moving to the Presidential Office. He will continue to deal with the issues of veterans and families of fallen Ukrainian defenders.

Acting Minister of Veterans Affairs Oleksandr Porkhun will move to work in the Presidential Office. Porkhun wrote about this on Facebook, UNN reports.

The President entrusted me with a position in the Presidential Office.  I will continue to work, among other things, on the issues and problems of veterans and women veterans, as well as the families of the fallen defenders of Ukraine! I am honored!

- wrote Porhun.


On February 9, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine temporarily entrusted the Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine to Oleksandr Porkhun after the dismissal of Yulia Laputina.

Porhun - before becoming acting Minister of Veterans Affairs -  was the first deputy head of the department, a retired major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, former commander of the 13th separate airmobile battalion of the 95th separate airmobile brigade. In 2015, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine and the Order of the Golden Star.