October 6: Teacher's Day in Ukraine, Territorial Defense Day

October 6: Teacher's Day in Ukraine, Territorial Defense Day

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 6 2024, 03:03 AM  •  3470 views

Since September 1, the educational process has started in more than 12.5 thousand schools in Ukraine. About 380,000 teachers are teaching 3.8 million students offline and online.

Today, on the first Sunday of October, Ukrainian teachers celebrate their professional holiday, UNN reports.

Since September 1, the educational process has started in more than 12.5 thousand schools in Ukraine. About 380,000 teachers are teaching 3.8 million students offline and online.

Currently, there are more than 12,000 Ukrainian teachers abroad who left during the full-scale Russian invasion.

According to unofficial data, about 60,000 teachers remained in the occupied territories, up to 40% of whom may have deliberately cooperated with the enemy.

Since 2020, the first Sunday of October has been the Day of Territorial Defense of Ukraine.

Currently, about 100,000 servicemen are fighting Russian aggression in the ranks of the Territorial Defense Forces.

The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine include not only infantry, but also mechanized groups, aerial reconnaissance units, mortar crews, and high-level training of sappers.

October 6  is also World Habitat Day. The event was launched in 1979 on the occasion of the adoption of the Bern Convention, an international agreement on the protection of wild fauna and flora and natural habitats.

The main goal of the Convention is to preserve those plant and animal habitats where cooperation and mutual assistance of several countries is necessary.

The signatories to the convention undertake to promote the development of national policies to preserve natural habitats and take effective measures to combat environmental pollution.

Currently, 40 European countries and four African countries have joined the document. Ukraine ratified the Berne Convention on October 29, 1996.

The purpose of today's event is to promote the preservation of a favorable environment for current and future generations.

Also today, you can join the event that is relevant for Ukrainians - the Day "Replace an ordinary light bulb with an energy-saving one", which aims to encourage people to use energy-saving  bulbs instead of ordinary  incandescent bulbs.

If a person uses an energy-saving lamp correctly, it can last up to 10 thousand hours, which will lead to significant energy savings.

According to the church calendar, October 6 is the day of remembrance of one of the 12 disciples of Christ, the Apostle Thomas.

Thomas is known for doubting the Resurrection of Jesus until he touched his wounds.

According to the distribution among the apostles, Thomas went to preach in the territory of modern Iran and India. Many people were converted to Christianity after his sermons.

Because of this, Thomas was constantly persecuted by the pagans. Once they captured Thomas and wanted to burn him. But, according to legend, the fire did not touch the apostle.

It is believed that in 72 AD, when Thomas was praying on a mountain near Madras, a pagan priest snuck up on him and fatally wounded the apostle with a spear.

Today, Thomas, Makar, and Laura celebrate their name days.