Occupants actively use armored vehicles to support infantry in Tavria sector - Tarnavskyi

Occupants actively use armored vehicles to support infantry in Tavria sector - Tarnavskyi

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 18 2024, 10:30 AM  •  30606 views

In the operational area of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation Center, the russian occupation forces conducted 38 combat engagements and fired 924 artillery rounds.

On the Tauride direction, the russians have again begun to actively use armored vehicles to support and land infantry. This was stated by Brigadier General and Commander of the Tavria Operational and Strategic Group of Troops Oleksandr Tarnavsky, UNN reports .


According to him, in three days the enemy lost 41 armored vehicles, including 17 tanks.

It does not stop air strikes. For almost a week now, their daily number has not fallen below 20. And yesterday 41 cases were recorded

- summarized the brigadier general.

He also noted that in the operational area of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation Center, the enemy conducted 38 combat engagements and fired 924 artillery rounds.

In the Avdiivka sector, Ukrainian troops destroyed a group of occupants who were trying to storm Ukrainian positionsJanuary 17 2024, 09:21 AM • 23755 views


Tarnavsky said that in the Tavriya sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces eliminated the Russian Zoo radar and Repellent-1 electronic warfare station.

The total losses of the russian occupiers amounted to 385 people and 57 pieces of military equipment. In particular, 4 tanks, 12 armored personnel carriers, 6 artillery systems, 14 UAVs, 13 vehicles, and 8 units of special equipment. The Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed 3 ammunition depots and 2 other important enemy targets

- said the commander of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops.


Along the entire front line in the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops , Russian occupants have intensified, the enemy is advancing.

Ukrainian troops are in active defense, fighting back and launching offensive actions whenever possible.