New school bus, ambulance, street lighting - village starosta in Kyiv Oblast talks about benefits of administrative reform

New school bus, ambulance, street lighting - village starosta in Kyiv Oblast talks about benefits of administrative reform

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 18 2024, 10:58 AM  •  61739 views

The village of Trebukhiv received a new school bus, ambulance and street lighting after joining the Brovary city community. The starosta notes positive changes in the communal sphere, healthcare and education.

After the village of Trebukhiv, Kyiv region, joined the Brovary city community, the settlement began to develop more dynamically, and positive changes took place in the communal sphere, in the areas of medicine, education, and the provision of various services. Specific examples of such changes were given by Trebukhiv's starosta Andriy Tsakhlo in a commentary to UNN.

Officially, the population of Trebukhiv is almost 7.5 thousand people. However, according to the starosta, the actual number of villagers varies between 10-12 thousand. 

In June 2020, Trebukhiv became part of the Brovary city community, and, as Andriy Tsakhlo says, even despite the war, positive changes are taking place in the village.

“It was definitely the right decision. The village has begun to renew and develop more dynamically. This can be seen in the improvement of the village, healthcare, education, administrative services, etc.

For example, our lyceum is designed for 800 students, and 200 students needed transportation to it. The school bus we had could only transport 75 students. We applied, and with the assistance of the Brovary City Council and co-financing from the local and regional budgets, we received another busthat is already operating on the route and transporting children.  

The lyceum has a completely renovated modern shelter that can accommodate all students. We are completing the renovation of the kindergarten shelter. A modern ventilation system has already been installed in the institution, and the replacement of sewer pipes is nearing completion. All our utility facilities are 100% ready for the heating season.

When we merged with the city, we got modern streetlights and began to illuminate new streets,” says Andriy Tsakhlo.

The starosta also notes that it was thanks to the accession to the Brovarska Hromada that an ambulance appeared in Trebukhiv.


The importance of this decision was first of all felt by older people who used to have to wait for an ambulance from Brovary for up to an hour. Now, an ambulance arrives within five to ten minutes and provides emergency care. If necessary, it takes a person to the hospital in Brovary, to the city hospital. In this regard, the improvement is 100%. Even,  for example, some grandmother needs to be brought to the outpatient clinic to get medicine or take some tests, and she can't get there herself. An ambulance can provide her with this service: come, pick her up, bring her back

- says starosta Trebukhova.

Andriy Tsakhlo adds that the key to positive changes is the interest of not only the villagers, but also the Brovary City Council and the head of the community, Ihor Sapozhko. He also shares his plans for the future.

“We communicate on a daily basis, both in person and by phone. We have meetings almost every day. On Fridays, Mayor Ihor Sapozhko holds field meetings in the villages of the community. On Mondays, we have operational meetings in the city where I am present. Communication and understanding with Igor Sapozhko are at the highest level, we understand each other in terms of community development. I don't see any problems.

As for future plans, most of them are related to capital expenditures. We need to asphalt some of the streets in the village. We want to equip modern sports grounds and a football field with artificial turf. We have a lot of global plans, but we will implement them after the victory,” summarizes Andriy Tsakhlo.


In an exclusive interview with UNN, Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko saidthat the villages that became part of the community initially had many problems. In particular, Trebukhiv could not adopt a budget for three years in a row. The village was not developing, problems had been accumulating for years, and they needed to be solved.