International Day of Boy Scouts and Founders of Scouting. What else can be celebrated on February 22

International Day of Boy Scouts and Founders of Scouting. What else can be celebrated on February 22

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 22 2024, 04:09 AM  •  25591 views

Today, on February 22, everyone involved in the scouting movement in many countries around the world is joining the International Boy Scout Day and the Scouting Founders Day. The founder of the scouting movement, which quickly became incredibly popular in many countries, was British Colonel Robert Baden-Powell.

Today, February 22, all those involved in the scouting movement in many countries around the world are joining the International Day of the Boy Scouts and the Day of the Founders of Scouting, UNN reports.

The founder of the Scouting movement, which quickly became incredibly popular in many countries around the world, was British Colonel Robert Baden-Powell.

During the late nineteenth-century Anglo-Boer War in Africa, Baden-Powell commanded the garrison of a fortress surrounded by the enemy.

At some point, he decided to send teenagers on reconnaissance. Despite their age, the young scouts proved to be excellent: they were organized and disciplined, and their activities helped the fortress to survive until the arrival of reinforcements.  Some of them were even awarded combat decorations. 

Upon returning to the UK in 1908, Baden-Powell began organizing the first scouting camps and published the book Scouting for Boys. His wife, Olav Baden-Powell, helped him in all his endeavors. She, like her husband, was born on February 22, so it is not surprising that this date was chosen for the celebration.

The Girl Scout movement was founded in 1910. The colonel's sister, Agnes Baden-Powell, was in charge of its development.

Scouting began to gain popularity in Ukraine in 1911. Ukrainian scouts were called Plast members, just like the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhia Sich, who were once involved in scouting.

In 1912, Lviv Plast members took the oath for the first time, and in 1913, the Plast Organizing Committee was established. During the liberation struggle of 1917-22, Ukrainian Scout-Plast members took an active part in establishing and maintaining power in the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic.

The scouting movement was banned in the USSR and began to revive in the early 1990s.

Today is also Single-Tasking Day.

The modern world is dominated by multitasking, when a person is encouraged to engage in several tasks at the same time.

Single-tasking, as opposed to multitasking, involves focusing on one task exclusively until it is completed. This method not only produces higher quality results, but also conserves mental energy.

Numerous studies have shown that people who single-task are more efficient and produce higher quality work than those who multitask. Single-tasking allows for deeper concentration, promotes creativity and problem-solving.

On February 22, you can join the events on the occasion of World Encephalitis Day, an inflammation of the brain.

Encephalitis can be viral, microbial, allergic, toxic, and infectious-allergic depending on the cause. There are also primary and secondary types of encephalitis. The severe course of the disease often results in death.

Every year, about 500 thousand people worldwide suffer from various types of encephalitis.

Since 1990, various events have been held in many countries around the world to mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Crime.

The purpose of the event is to draw the attention of society and the authorities to the problem of protecting victims, assisting in social rehabilitation, moral and monetary compensation, and the necessary psychological and physical support.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of the martyrs of Apamea, Mauritius, and 70 saints.

Marvricius was a Roman military commander in Apamea and secretly converted to Christianity. When the emperor found out about it, he ordered the military commander's son to be killed. Mauritius himself was tortured for a long time, and then his head was cut off. Along with him, 70 of his followers were executed.

Maksym, Petro, and Mykhailo Anfisa celebrate their name days on February 22.