In Bulgaria, a Ukrainian was detained on the territory of a thermal power plant. He is suspected of espionage - mass media

In Bulgaria, a Ukrainian was detained on the territory of a thermal power plant. He is suspected of espionage - mass media

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 19 2024, 03:12 PM  •  17820 views

In Bulgaria, a 23-year-old Ukrainian entered the territory of the Maritsa-Vostok 2 Power Plant.The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has not yet commented on the incident and confirmed the detention of the Ukrainian

A 23-year-old Ukrainian man who entered the territory of the Maritsa-Vostok 2 power plant was detained in Bulgaria. During a search of his home, law enforcement officers found drones. This was announced by the deputy city prosecutor Hristo Krastev, reports UNN with reference to BGNES.

The man is suspected of collecting "information constituting a state secret in order to provide it to a foreign state." He was detained for 72 hours, and the court plans to consider a request to choose a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody.

During a search of his home, drones, mobile phones, cameras, several SIM cards and memory cards were found.

Now forensic examinations are being prepared to determine whether he really photographed and what kind of photos of the strategic object, since the Maritsa-Vostok 2 TPP is a strategic object by resolution of the Council of ministers

 - explained Krastev.

Currently, the Sofia prosecutor's office cannot provide more detailed information on the case. However, they clarified that they are waiting for information about whether this person is really a citizen of Ukraine and whether there is information that he is engaged in espionage activities.

It also turns out whether the person was on the territory of a strategic object for the first time.

I would not say that there is a threat to the country's security

 - said Krastev.

Now it turns out how the man entered the territory of the power plant.


The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has not yet commented on the incident and has not confirmed the detention of the Ukrainian.