Ex-MP Rizanenko's Russian connections: possible dual citizenship and real estate in Crimea

Ex-MP Rizanenko's Russian connections: possible dual citizenship and real estate in Crimea

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 2 2024, 12:43 PM  •  92221 views

Former MP Pavlo Rizanenko, who is living abroad, is likely to have Russian citizenship. His prolonged stay in Russia and his ties to the defense sector raise suspicions.

Former MP Pavlo Rizanenko, who is serving time abroad, probably has a Russian passport. This is indicated, among other things, by his long stay in Russia and cooperation with companies closely linked to the Russian defense sector, UNN writes.

Rizanenko has lived in Moscow since 1999 and worked for Russian companies. He started his career in Russia in investment companies, and then  was appointed to the board of directors of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation.

It is known that this corporation plays an important role in the Russian defense industry. Such professional ties significantly increase the likelihood that he has a Russian passport, as it is almost impossible for foreigners without Russian citizenship to get into this sector.

Together with Rizanenko, his wife, Olga Petrenko, lived in Russia and built her career. According to unconfirmed reports, she also has Russian citizenship, which she has not officially renounced to this day.

The spouses' Russian passports could have greatly simplified their lives in Russia and provided them with access to resources and opportunities that would have been unavailable to foreigners.

These suspicions become even more weighty given that Rizanenko and his wife own several apartments and land plots in Crimea. They have retained all their real estate there, even after the annexation of the peninsula, and the couple is not banned from entering Crimea, as many other Ukrainian MPs and public figures are.

UNN appealed to the SBU with a request to find out whether Pavlo Rizanenko and his wife have Russian citizenship. Such facts are of serious concern, especially in the context of Ukraine's national security. In a situation where the country is facing military aggression from Russia, such ties with the aggressor country require immediate investigation.

In light of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's recent statements about the return of fugitives and traitors, it is clear that investigating politicians like Pavlo Rizanenko is not only a matter of national security, but also of justice. None of those who may have been FSB agents should escape responsibility, especially at a time when Ukraine is fighting for its survival.