Energy Ministry: the EU says it is not interested in extending the gas transit contract with Russia

Energy Ministry: the EU says it is not interested in extending the gas transit contract with Russia

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 14 2024, 12:34 PM  •  26852 views

The EU Commissioner for Energy informed Ukraine that the EU is not interested in extending the gas transit contract with Russia and is focused on supporting Ukraine and reducing its dependence on Russian gas.

European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson informed the Ukrainian side that the EU is not interested in extending the gas transit contract with Russia. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy following a meeting with the European Commissioner and Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko on February 13, UNN reports.

The meeting discussed cooperation in gas transit. 

A return to normal relations with Russia is impossible. The EU is not interested in extending the gas transit contract with Russia. We have been preparing for the end of this contract for two years, since the manipulations on the gas market began, and we have alternative options to ensure security of supply. Currently, our main focus is to provide maximum support to Ukraine and to get off Russian gas as soon as possible

- Simson said.

The European Commissioner emphasized that European countries are working to fill their gas storage facilities and diversify supplies.

They discussed the integration of Ukraine's energy markets into the EU: Galushchenko meets with European Commissioner for EnergyFebruary 13 2024, 01:24 PM • 60178 views