Don't feed the aggressor's illusions and appetites: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to manipulative articles in foreign media about Ukraine's alleged readiness to make concessions to Russia

Don't feed the aggressor's illusions and appetites: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to manipulative articles in foreign media about Ukraine's alleged readiness to make concessions to Russia

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 10 2024, 06:25 PM  •  11665 views

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry denies that it is ready to make concessions at the expense of sovereignty. The Ministry emphasizes the importance of the Peace Formula and the Victory Plan for achieving a just and sustainable peace.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine refutes the manipulative statements voiced in a number of foreign media about Ukraine's alleged readiness to make concessions to the aggressor at the expense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. We emphasize the unacceptability of such concessions, UNN reports with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Foreign Ministry said that such statements are only perceived by the aggressor as a sign of weakness, giving him unjustified hope for the success of aggression and the effectiveness of his ultimatums and blackmail.

"The only realistic way to restore a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine has been and remains the Peace Formula, which is based on respect for the UN Charter and the imperative of the full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

Following the successful First Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, which brought together more than a hundred participants around respect for international law, preparations for the Second Peace Summit are underway. Thematic meetings have already taken place on the points of the Peace Formula on energy and food security, as well as on the restoration of justice. Events on other points of this initiative are planned for the near future," the statement reads.

Currently, all constructive peace efforts are aimed at the effective implementation of the Peace Formula. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the Victory Plan presented by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukraine's partners is not a replacement for the Formula, but a practical tool for its implementation, the diplomatic mission added.

"The principle of 'No deal for Ukraine without Ukraine' and the imperative to respect international law and the UN Charter remain binding and unchangeable for all. Ukraine will not accept any initiatives that violate them.

No other country in the world wants peace more than Ukraine. At the same time, our goal is not a fictitious peace, but a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace that will guarantee security for our people, ensure accountability for Russian crimes and prevent the recurrence of aggression. We are convinced that such a goal is also in the interests of all peace-loving countries and their peoples," the statement said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people have repeatedly proved the skeptical headlines of foreign media wrong with their own heroism.

"Suffice it to recall that on the eve of Russia's illegal, unprovoked and unjustified full-scale military invasion in February 2022, skeptics and pretended realists predicted Ukraine's demise in a matter of days. Instead, our state has survived, our people have been resisting full-scale aggression for almost a thousand days, and our Defense Forces have returned more than half of the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation since February 24, 2022, to Ukraine's control.

This is a lesson for everyone: we need courage and determination in implementing the Peace Formula, not surrogate, weak and naive decisions under the guise of "realism" that will only give the aggressor the opportunity to prepare a new attack on our country and the rest of the free world.

We call on all states and international organizations, all leaders, politicians and public figures who respect the UN Charter, international law and the value of human life to join forces to restore a real sustainable and just peace, rather than feeding the illusions and appetites of the aggressor," the diplomatic mission summarized.

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