Decided to join the Armed Forces while drunk: a drunk man in Ternopil region smashed up a shopping center

Decided to join the Armed Forces while drunk: a drunk man in Ternopil region smashed up a shopping center

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 8 2024, 11:43 AM  •  14455 views

In the Ternopil region, a drunk man with a mobilization deferral broke the front door of a shopping center in an attempt to get inside. The offender was provided with medical care, the police were called and an investigation into the incident was launched.

In  Ternopil region, a man with a deferral from mobilization created a conflict situation by trying to enter the premises of the Territorial Recruitment Center.

Writes UNN with a link to the FB page of the Ternopil Regional TCC of the JV.

In Ternopil region, a drunken man with a deferment from mobilization tried to get to the TCC.

On September 07, 2024, at about 20 o'clock, citizen X (who enjoys a deferment from mobilization), while intoxicated, decided to enlist in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in his personal aggressive way, contrary to the procedure established by law

- the statement reads.

It is stated that citizen X, using physical force, “broke the glass unit of the front door of the premises, as a result of which he received stab wounds on his hand from the broken glass”.

The servicemen of the territorial center provided primary medical care, called doctors and police officers. Police officers are conducting an investigation into the incident, which will result in a legal assessment and appropriate response measures against the offender.

У Харківському ОТЦК відреагували на відео із побиттям цивільного: поведінку військового засудили і призначили розслідуванняSeptember 6 2024, 04:11 PM • 29266 views