Calm weather with a possibility of light snow is expected in Kyiv in the next few days

Calm weather with a possibility of light snow is expected in Kyiv in the next few days

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 17 2024, 04:20 AM  •  78232 views

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center has reported that Kyiv will have relatively calm weather in the coming days with periods of no precipitation, with light sleet on Sunday night and sleet and rain on Tuesday.

In the capital of Ukraine, local residents can expect relatively calm weather for the next few days. This is reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.


According to meteorological services, the weather in Kyiv is expected to be relatively calm over the next few days. Most of the time, it is expected to be free of precipitation until Tuesday, but on Sunday night, an atmospheric front will pass through from the northwest, bringing with it light sleet.

The next frontal system with sleet and rain over Kyiv is expected on Tuesday during the daytime.

The coldest moments will be on Monday and Tuesday nights, when the temperature will drop to 3-5 degrees below zero. The rest of the day is expected to be above freezing.

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