
Zaporizhzhia direction: Ukrainian drones destroy 10 Russian ATVs

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Ukrainian drone operators from the 1st Separate Tank Siverskaya Brigade destroyed ten Russian drones in the Zaporizhzhya sector over the past week.

In the Zaporizhzhya sector, drone operators from the 1st Separate Tank Siverskaya Brigade destroyed ten enemy ATVs in a week. How it happened was shown by the commander of the Tavria separate motorized armed forces unit Oleksandr Tarnavsky, UNN reports.

In the Zaporizhzhya sector, the enemy is trying to move personnel in small infantry groups not only on armored vehicles but also on high-speed ATVs.  The weather may allow this. But the Ukrainian Defense Forces do not. Thus, last week our soldiers destroyed a total of 10 enemy ATVs.

- Tarnavsky noted.


Tarnavsky noted that the video captured the moment when soldiers of the 1st Separate Tank Siverska Brigade stopped an attempt by Russians to change personnel using an ATV. Thanks to the accuracy of our soldiers, the vehicle was destroyed by UAV drops.

Танки, ППО та артилерія: за тиждень "Армія дронів" уразила понад 350 одиниць військової техніки рф 19.02.24, 15:59


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