
Uleba had a conversation with the Foreign Minister of the Philippines

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique Manalo to discuss strengthening bilateral relations, cooperation in international organizations, and Ukraine's interest in deepening ties with ASEAN.

On Monday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba had a conversation with Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique Manalo and discussed various aspects of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Philippines. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNN reports.


During our conversation, Enrique Manalo and I discussed ways to strengthen the promising bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Philippines. We also talked about our cooperation in international organizations. Ukraine is interested in further deepening ties with ASEAN and seeks to become a partner of the Association in the sectoral dialogue

the statement said.

Міністр закордонних справ України Кулеба обговорив з новозеландським колегою Глобальний саміт миру та двосторонні відносини27.05.24, 21:10


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