
Ukraine and Italy hold a new round of talks on a bilateral security agreement

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Ukraine continued online negotiations with Italy on a bilateral security agreement as part of the implementation of the G7 declaration in support of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian negotiating team held another online round of talks with the Italian delegation, UNN reports with reference to the Presidential Office.

"In continuation of the work on a bilateral security agreement to implement the G7 Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine, the Ukrainian negotiating team headed by Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva held another online round of talks with the Italian delegation," the statement said.

According to the OP, the parties continued to work out the structural blocks and certain provisions of the relevant agreement and coordinated the schedule of further negotiations to finalize the document.

Україна може найближчим часом підписати двосторонні безпекові угоди з Данією та Нідерландами - ОП17.02.24, 19:47


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