
The US will avoid a "shutdown": Biden signs temporary budget

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US President Joe Biden has signed a temporary budget. This will help avoid a "shutdown" - a partial suspension of the government.

US President Joe Biden has signed a temporary budget that will provide funding for federal agencies and avoid a shutdown, UNN reports.

"On Friday, January 19, 2024, the President (of the United States - ed.) signed into law a bill that provides appropriations for fiscal year 2024 to federal agencies for ongoing projects and activities," the White House said.

Байден вважає, що переважна більшість Конгресу США підтримує допомогу Україні - Вloomberg18.01.24, 20:16


The U.S. House of Representatives approved a stopgap bill to fund the federal government until early March and prevent a partial government shutdown, sending it to President Joe Biden for final approval. 


On January 14, it was reported that the US Congress had agreed on a temporary spending bill to keep the government funded until March. 

US Congressional leaders have reached a $1.66 trillion deal to fund the federal government in 2024, despite Republican Party demands for budget cuts.

Earlier, it was noted that if they fail to approve the agreement by January 19, the government will have to start shutting down.  

The gross national debt of the US federal government has set a new record, exceeding $34 trillion. This could create political and economic difficulties in the future when trying to fix the financial situation in America.

Antonina Tumanova



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