
The need for military medics is great - Ministry of Defense

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The need for military medics in Ukraine is great, and a separate program is provided for their recruitment through recruitment centers, which allows people with medical education to quickly become military doctors with officer ranks.

The need for military medics is great. They are also recruited through recruitment centers of the Ukrainian army and a separate program is provided for them. This was reported to the journalist UNN by the authorized representative of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine for recruitment Alexey Bezhevets.

When asked what the current situation is with military medics, Bezhevets said::

The need for recruitment (through recruitment centers-ED.) is great, a separate program is provided for them. The goal is that if a person has a medical education, then certain mechanisms are provided, it is brought to all recruiters that if you are a medic, then first of all you are offered and you have every chance to get into a position that involves medical knowledge, that is, to be a medic, but already a military one.

According to him, for those who have higher education, a fairly accelerated and simple process is provided in order to become an officer.

"For those who have a higher education, there is still a fairly accelerated and simple process of combining online and offline, so that you can still become an officer. That is, a civilian with a higher medical education-a doctor in fact, can quickly become an officer, a military doctor with completely different powers and functional duties within a month and a half, but he will also be a doctor, treat people, but already military," Bezhevets said.

Bezhevets explained that it turned out that in recent years a lot of medical workers did not have a military department and, accordingly, do not have a rank. Accordingly, they do not want to hold medical positions and the maximum that they "shine" is a Sagittarius orderly, but everything has changed and now you can get a very simplified title.

У Міноборони розповіли про відсоток звернень жінок до центрів рекрутингу04.06.24, 17:26


Bezhevets reported that at the end of last week there were 6,600 appeals to the recruitment centers of the Ukrainian army.

In Ukraine, each region will have a recruitment center for the Ukrainian army.


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