
Thanks to Saldo, the occupiers took 34,000 tons of Ukrainian grain from the occupied Kherson region - "Schemes"

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Last year, a number of Russian exporters exported at least 34 thousand tons of grain worth 6.2 million euros from the occupied part of the Kherson region. This is stated in a joint investigation of the "schemes" of the Belarusian investigation Center and the Verstka publication, writes UNN.


The journalists received a whole array of data from the Association of Ukrainian hackers KibOrg. Thanks to this, the investigator was able to additionally confirm the export of agricultural products thanks to data from the Import Genius World Import/Export database and information obtained from the leak of Russian customs.

Kherson grain was exported to Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria and Iran, while peas from the occupied Crimea were exported to Spain.

As journalists found out, the export was handled by Vladimir Saldo, who was appointed by Moscow to lead the Kherson region, and a specially created local commission. They provided approval to Russian companies for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products abroad with a zero or reduced export rate of customs duty. 

Про судна та зернотрейдери, що вивозили крадене українське зерно з порту Маріуполя - Bihus.Info08.04.24, 21:12

During 2023, under the quota system created by the Russian authorities, a number of Russian exporters exported at least 34 thousand tons of grain worth 6.2 million euros from the Kherson region

- it is said in a joint journalistic investigation. 

During 2023, under the quota system created by the Russian authorities, a number of Russian exporters exported at least 34 thousand tons of grain worth 6.2 million euros from the Kherson region.


Journalists have established that wheat was exported to Azerbaijan by the Russian company SIM-Trans Group. It received permission to export 2,200 tons of wheat and meslin from the region under quotas.

But the company TD "Fregat" – received a quota for the export of three thousand tons of corn, which got to Syria. Also, the approvals were shipped to the Iranian port of Bandar Imam Khomeini.

In addition, the company" Agro-Fregat", which was mentioned in the media as a participant in the scheme of illegal export of grain from the occupied territories, exported wheat and meslin to Turkey.

The same agro-frigate sent 4,500 tons of peas to Spain in September 2023, 2.6 thousand tons of which were loaded in occupied Sevastopol.

Окупанти вивозять крадене українське зерно з Херсонщини до Карелії у контейнерах китайських компаній22.05.24, 15:33

Journalists emphasize that none of the companies provided answers to requests for publication.

For reference 

Shortly after the announcement of the annexation of four regions of Ukraine on December 30, 2022, Decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 2535 was issued, which, on the one hand, established quotas (limits) for the export of agricultural products from the occupied territories with a customs "discount", and on the other, established a mechanism for the export of these products.

According to the decree, Russian companies that want to export at a zero or reduced export rate of customs duty and sell to third countries, for example, wheat, barley, corn or sunflower meal, must apply to the "head of the region" according to the rules established by him.

In the case of the occupied Kherson region, a special commission was created to distribute quotas. It reviews the appeal and votes, and the head of the occupation administration, Vladimir Saldo, signs the decision.


for the first time, Russia used the occupied port of Sevastopol to load and export 27,000 tons of stolen Ukrainian grain to Venezuela, indicating its attempt to legalize trade with the occupied territories.

рф продає крадене українське зерно до Туреччини - розслідування Financial Times30.10.22, 15:13 • [views_280785]


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