
russians transport tanks by rail through occupied Mariupol

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The russians are transporting tanks through Mariupol by rail, probably using the newly built Mariupol-Rostov railroad line on the temporarily occupied territories.

russians are bringing tanks through the railroad tracks of the temporarily occupied Mariupol. This was reported by the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko, UNN reports.

Military movements. Tanks are in trend this week. They went through the city from the Berdiansk direction to the Novoazovsk direction. We can only guess where to go next, given the Kharkiv region

- he wrote.

He also added that this fact demonstrates the threat posed by the new Mariupol-Rostov railroad line, which the Russians built in the temporarily occupied territories.

Now they pull it like this. With tractors. For a long time. Not enough. Expensive

- He added.


According to the General Staff, the enemy lost 14 tanks in one day. This brings the total loss of tanks since the beginning of the full-scale invasion to 7,510 units.

У Маріуполі фіксують рух російських вантажівок із боєкомплектом в бік Волновахи11.05.24, 12:39

Anastasia Ryabokon



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