
Russians fired more than 130 shells in Kherson region: one wounded

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Russian troops fired more than 130 shells at Kherson region, wounding one person during 36 attacks over the past day.

Over the past day, Russian troops attacked Kherson region 36 times, one person was wounded, the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Prokudin said on Monday, UNN reports.

Over the last day, the enemy carried out 36 attacks, launching 132 shells, using artillery, mortars, multiple rocket launchers and UAVs. The enemy fired 32 shells at the city of Kherson. One person was wounded as a result of Russian aggression.

- Prokudin wrote on social media.


According to him, the Russian military hit residential areas of the region's settlements and a museum in Kherson.

На лівобережжі Херсонщини Сили оборони знищили понад пів сотні окупантів та ворожий пункт управління безпілотниками.04.02.24, 16:35


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