
Russian drone flies into Moldova during attack

 • 120166 переглядiв

A Russian drone intruded into Moldovan airspace during the February 27 attack on Ukraine and was destroyed by Ukrainian air defense.

On the night of February 27, during a Russian drone attack, one of the "Shaheds" flew over the territory of neighboring Moldova. Later, the UAV was destroyed in the sky over Ukraine. This was reported by the Southern Defense Forces, UNN reports.


It is noted that the enemy provocatively directed the route of one of the Russian drones along a trajectory crossing the Ukrainian-Moldovan section of the state border in Odesa region.

The drone flew over the territory of the neighboring state for several kilometers and re-entered Ukrainian airspace, where it was subsequently destroyed by the Ukrainian air defense forces

The military emphasized.


The Southern Defense Forces emphasize that the maneuvers of the Shahed-131/136 UAVs in their operational area lasted two hours.

During an attack in the southern direction, air defense units destroyed 4 UAVs of the "Shahed-131/136" type  in Kirovohrad region.

Українська ППО знищила 11 із 13 шахедів та дві авіаційні ракети27.02.24, 07:41


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