
Putin is bluffing about the use of nuclear weapons - Lithuanian Foreign Minister

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Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats are a bluff, and that he has nothing to gain from the use of nuclear weapons, but can lose everything.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis believes that the nuclear blackmail of Russian ruler Vladimir Putin is a bluff. This was reported by LRT, according to UNN.


According to the head of Lithuanian diplomacy, Putin's nuclear blackmail is a bluff.

He has nothing to gain from this, but he can lose everything. Some states are on his side, at least he thinks so. China clearly supports Russia, and global partners in Latin America and Africa are also more on Putin's side. But if the threats were to become reality, the entire partnership would disappear instantly,

- He said.

Landsbergis made it clear that the position of some major powers to avoid escalation could be disastrous.

This path, if we follow our strategy, leads to the destruction of the country. This could lead to a real conflict outside of Ukraine, and other countries could be involved. Because we are sending a very clear signal to Putin: if you threaten us, we will retreat,

 ," he said.


The GUR representative said that nuclear blackmail remains a common practice of the Putin regime . New nuclear exercises are not groundbreaking news. We should expect a lot of information injections, but not all of them need to be responded to.


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