
Portugal holds early parliamentary elections

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On March 10, Portugal held early parliamentary elections in which, according to preliminary results, right-wing parties were close to winning and ending the longstanding dominance of the Socialists.

In Portugal, right-wing parties are close to winning the parliamentary elections and ending the longstanding dominance of the socialists in the country's political life. This is evidenced by the preliminary results of voting in the parliamentary elections held on Sunday, March 10, Portuguese media reported, UNN reports.


According to the Portuguese media, after processing 75% of the ballots, the right-wing Democratic Alliance coalition is in first place with 31.36% of the vote, while the Socialists are second with 28.84% of the vote.

In third place is the far-right party "Enough!", which has recently gained popularity. This is Chega, which received 19.3% of the vote. The other participants in the election were far behind.

The media note that these results indicate a "turn to the right" in Portugal after eight years of socialist rule led by Prime Minister Antonio Costa.

The elections were called in November last year after the resignation of Prime Minister Costa. He was implicated in a corruption investigation, which led to the snap election.

Голова МЗС Португалії обговорив з Кулебою фінансові та військові виклики з якими зіткнулася Україна06.02.24, 17:17


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