
NATO membership will be Ukraine’s ultimate security guarantee - Stoltenberg

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that membership in NATO will be Ukraine’s ultimate security guarantee and ensure the lasting peace and stability necessary for recovery.

NATO membership will be Ukraine’s ultimate security guarantee. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference on Friday following an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague, writes UNN.

We discussed Ukraine’s path to NATO membership. Allies agree that Ukraine’s future is in NATO. And we are determined to make progress in charting this path. Membership will be Ukraine’s ultimate security guarantee. It will ensure a lasting peace; and provide the stability needed for reconstruction

Stoltenberg pointed out.

Координація допомоги, багаторічне фінансування і шлях до членства: Столтенберг заявив про "значний прогрес" за підсумками переговорів міністрів НАТО щодо України31.05.24, 16:13


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