
NABU detectives need a psychologist and an ombudsman - audit findings

 • 194821 переглядiв

NABU detectives need a psychologist and an ombudsman, according to the audit.

Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine need to communicate with a psychologist and an ombudsman to report problems in the workplace. This conclusion was reached by independent foreign experts who conducted an audit at the NABU, UNN reports.

For example, the auditors recommend creating an independent ombudsman position at the NABU to communicate confidentially with employees and other stakeholders. In their opinion, this will allow detectives to report problems in the workplace, suspected violations and systemic problems at the NABU.

In addition, the experts noted in their report that the NABU needs to introduce a psychologist position, or even better, hire several psychologists to communicate with detectives.

Міжнародні аудитори констатували багаторічну тяганину в НАБУ та ВАКС02.07.24, 10:01


An audit of the NABU revealed signs of low morale among anti-corruption officers and a massive desire to leave the bureau. In particular, that detectives are "stressed" because of the war and bureaucracy. 


At the end of May, the NABU was caught up in a high-profile scandal - it became known about the alleged disclosure of data from the pre-trial investigation by representatives of the bureau in the interests of alleged businessman Yuriy Holyk, who is a person involved in the anti-corruption investigation into the Big Construction.

Due to this case, NABU Director Semen Kryvonos suspended his first deputy Gizo Uglava from his duties for the duration of the pre-trial investigation.

In addition, on June 20, another journalistic investigation was published about the alleged leakage of data from the NABU, in which the bureau's director, Semen Kryvonos, was implicated.

Following the scandals, MPs from the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy summoned NABU Director Semen Kryvonos to a meeting. However, he ignored the summons, claiming that it was too early to discuss the investigation into alleged data leaks. After that, the MPs decided to hold an offsite meeting at the NABU, but it is not yet known when it will take place.

Lilia Podolyak



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