
Meeting between Macron and Xi Jinping: France to pressure China on trade and war in Ukraine

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During his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron will pressure him to push Russia to end the war in Ukraine.

French President Emanuel Macron, who is planning to meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, will put pressure on Beijing to cooperate with Russia and end the war in Ukraine. Reuters reports, UNN reports.  


The publication reminds that the Chinese leader is due to pay a two-day visit to France amid  growing trade tensions between Europe and China.

It is noted that Paris supports the European Union's investigation into the export of Chinese electric vehicles, while in January Beijing launched an investigation into the import of French cognac.

Observers explain this move by China as "retaliation" for the growing number of EU investigations.

We must continue to insist that the Chinese authorities provide us with more guarantees on trade issues

- explained an advisor to the Elysee Palace before Xi Jinping's visit.

France also wants to encourage China to put pressure on Moscow to stop its military aggression against Ukraine.

Постачанням росії компонентів для виробництва зброї Китай намагається змінити ситуацію на її користь у війні з Україною – американська розвідка03.05.24, 15:13

However, according to Reuters, little progress has been made so far, except for Xi Jinping's decision to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for the first time shortly after Macron's visit to Beijing last year.

China is one of Russia's main partners, and our goal is to use the leverage it has over Moscow to change Russia's calculus and help resolve the conflict

- emphasized the source at the Elysee Palace.

At the same time, it is noted that the Chinese are seeking to deepen relations with European partners, and it is very important that "they hear our point of view and start taking it seriously.


Earlier, Bloomberg reported that French President Emmanuel Macron is seeking to deepen his personal connection with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the latter's two-day visit to France.

Україна робить все можливе, щоб Китай взяв участь у Глобальному саміті миру - ОП02.05.24, 21:07


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