
Kuleba urged Blinken to find ways to provide more Patriot systems

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Kuleba urged Blinken to find ways to provide Ukraine with additional Patriot air defense systems as soon as possible to counter Russia's growing air terror.

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to find ways to provide additional Patriot air defense systems as soon as possible. Blinken immediately took action in response to this call. Kuleba reported this on social networking site X, UNN reports. 

I was pleased to meet with Blinken in Brussels to express my gratitude to the United States for all its assistance to Ukraine since Russia's full-scale aggression began. I briefed Blinken on Russia's intensified aerial terror against Ukrainian cities and towns, including with ballistic missiles, and urged our American partners to find ways to provide additional Patriot air defense systems as soon as possible

- wrote Kuleba.

He also added that he was grateful to the U.S. Secretary of State for Blinken's immediate action in response to this call.

Kuleba and Blinken also discussed the next steps in the coming days and weeks to unlock additional U.S. assistance for Ukraine. 

In addition, the Foreign Minister noted that today's meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council demonstrated that all NATO allies are aware of the urgency of this issue. "We all need it to be resolved as soon as possible," Kuleba summarized. 

Блінкен: Україна зрештою стане членом НАТО, підтримка "тверда, як скеля"04.04.24, 15:20


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