
“He has every right”: Czech President supports Ukraine's strikes with Western weapons on Russian territory

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Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala supported Ukraine's right to use Western weapons to strike at Russian territory, calling this position "simply logical" as Ukraine defends itself against Russian aggression.

The Czech government has responded positively to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's call to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike at Russian territory. This was stated by Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, writes dpa, reports UNN

“As a country under attack, Ukraine certainly has every right to use all means of defense,” Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in Prague on Tuesday. 

He called this position “simply logical.

"Ніколи цього не виключала": міністр оборони Нідерландів сподівається на зміну позиції інших країн щодо використання зброї за межами України28.05.24, 14:04

Today in Prague, representatives of several NATO partner countries will reportedly discuss further military support for Ukraine. Among the expected guests are Polish President Andrzej Duda, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. It is noted that  Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal will attend the meeting. 

Шольц проти використання німецької зброї по цілях у росії26.05.24, 17:33

Fiala said Ukraine is at a dangerous moment, with Russian troops launching attacks across the Ukrainian border north of Kharkiv, potentially seeking to open a new front in the war.

According to Fiala, the talks in Prague will focus on removing all remaining obstacles to Western arms supplies and improving their coordination.

For reference 

The Czech Republic is leading an initiative to purchase 800,000 artillery shells for Ukraine from non-EU countries.

Швеція дозволила Україні використовувати свою зброю проти цілей на території рф26.05.24, 19:41


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