
General Staff: Russians concentrate military efforts on Avdiivka and Novopavlivka directions

 • 30570 переглядiв

Russians focused their military efforts primarily on the Avdiivka and Novopavlivka frontlines, conducting more than half of all attacks in these areas.

Russians concentrated their military efforts on the Avdiivka and Novopavlivka directions. More than half of all enemy attacks took place in these areas of the front. This is evidenced by the data of the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the situation at the front, reports UNN.


Over the last day, 73 combat engagements took place. In total, the enemy launched 6 missile and 79 air strikes, fired 62 times from multiple launch rocket systems at the positions of our troops and populated areas.

- the General Staff calculated.

It is noted that the enemy did not conduct any assault operations in the Kupyansk, Orikhiv and Kherson sectors on Friday.

In the Liman sector, our troops repelled six enemy attacks. In particular, the occupants attacked with the support of aviation near the settlements of Terny, Rozdolivka in Donetsk region and Bilohorivka in Luhansk region.

Окупанти намагаються захопити два населених пункти на Бахмутському напрямку, йдуть бої - Євлаш29.02.24, 15:28

In the Bakhmut sector, the Defense Forces repelled the enemy 4 times. The invaders tried to improve their position near Bohdanivka and Andriivka in Donetsk region.

росіяни тиснуть абсолютно по всій смузі навколо Авдіївки – Жорін01.03.24, 21:20

In the Avdiivka sector, our defenders repelled 20 enemy attacks near Berdychiv, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomaiske and Nevelske in Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlivka sector, Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to hold back the enemy near Krasnohorivka, Heorhiivka, Pobeda, Novomykhailivka and south of Zolota Niva in Donetsk region. Here, the Russian army tried to break through the defense of our troops 25 times.

Сили оборони ліквідували елітну штурмову групу окупантів на Авдіївському напрямку01.03.24, 21:46


It is also noted that on Friday, the aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 13 strikes on the areas of concentration of enemy personnel.

Missile troops also hit the area where enemy military equipment was concentrated, as well as two artillery systems, three command posts and three ammunition depots.


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