
Elon Musk denies selling Starlink to russia

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Elon Musk has denied reports that SpaceX has sold its satellite Internet terminals to Starlink russia.

American billionaire Elon Musk has denied selling Starlink satellite communication terminals to Russia. He announced this on his page in X, reports UNN.


American billionaire and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has denied allegations that his company sold Starlink satellite communication terminals to russia.

This is a categorical lie. As far as we know, Starlink was not sold directly or indirectly to russia

 - said Elon Musk.


In early February, the Ukrainian military began spreading information about the use of Starlink systems by the russian army at the front. This information was later confirmed by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Ілон Маск спростував інформацію навколо його недавньої розмови з путіним11.10.22, 19:45 • [views_190515]


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