
Electronics and ammunition: Stoltenberg explains how China and DPRK help Russia in its war against Ukraine

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Asia has a significant impact on the war in Ukraine, as it is North Korea and China that support Moscow and provide it with military assistance. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly , UNN reports.


Stoltenberg emphasized that the most important suppliers and supporters of Russia's war against Ukraine in Europe are Asian countries.

Міністр оборони Британії заявив, що у розвідки є докази китайської летальної допомоги росії22.05.24, 14:53

According to him, China supports the Russian military economy by supplying dual-use equipment, being the most important trading partner

China has intensified its economic trade relations with Russia, and they supply 90% of the microelectronics that Russia receives comes from China. And these microprocessors, microelectronics are the equipment that Russia uses to create missiles, battle tanks, airplanes, which are then used to wage a brutal war against Ukraine

- NATO Secretary General said. 

Jens Stoltenberg emphasized that without this economic support from China, Russia would not be able to wage war the way it is waging against Ukraine.

In addition, he reminded that North Korea has become an important supplier of shells for Russian troops. 

Україна поінформувала Південну Корею про непоодинокі випадки використання рф балістичних ракет з КНДР02.05.24, 19:39

North Korea supplies more than a million artillery shells to Russia. In return, Russia shares technologies that allow Iran and North Korea to develop their missile and nuclear programs. So, what we see in Europe, in Ukraine, is how important Asia is to the war in Ukraine

- said the Secretary General of the Alliance


Stoltenberg also warned that China and Russia, authoritarian states, Iran, North Korea, are increasingly coming closer together. In his opinion, NATO should strengthen cooperation with  partners in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.

He emphasized that this will be one of the main topics of the Washington summit. 


According to sources of The New York Times, Moscow is expanding its sabotage operations in Europeaimed at disrupting the supply of military aid to Ukraine.


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