
Defended Mariupol, Chernobyl and not only: Zelensky said that Ukraine managed to return 90 more soldiers from captivity

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That 90 Ukrainian servicemen, including those who defended Mariupol, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and various front-line areas, were released from Russian captivity during a prisoner exchange with the assistance of the United Arab Emirates.

Another 90 Ukrainian soldiers were returned from captivity of the Russian Federation. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, reports UNN.

Houses are not just words. At home, this is Ukraine. Today, another 90 of our people have returned home from Russian captivity. Soldiers of the National Guard, Navy, Army, teroborontsy, border guards. Those who defended Mariupol. Those who defended the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Those who were in the Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Luhansk directions

 - said Zelensky.

He noted that Ukraine remembers all our people in Russian captivity.

"We continue to work for the release of everyone. We are looking for the truth about everyone who can be held by the enemy," Zelensky added.

In addition, he thanked the Ukrainian team that deals with exchanges: Budanov, Yermak, Malyuk, Klimenko, Lubinets.

"To all partners who help, the UAE for assistance in the release of these people of ours. Together, we can achieve even the most difficult results," the president concluded.

У міноборони рф заявили про обмін полоненими з Україною у форматі "90 на 90"25.06.24, 21:31


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