
Biden calls Netanyahu's actions in Gaza a mistake

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Biden sharply criticized Israel's actions in Gaza and Netanyahu's approach, calling it a mistake and unacceptable that volunteer aid vehicles were attacked by drones, and called for a ceasefire to ensure access to food and medicine.

US President Joe Biden sharply criticized Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip and called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach a mistake. He said this in an interview with the Spanish-language television company Univision, CNN writes, reports UNN.


"I will say that I consider his actions a mistake. I disagree with his approach. I think it's unacceptable that volunteer vehicles were attacked by drones," Biden said.

These are the sharpest and most critical remarks of the American president against Netanyahu.

Biden also "called on the Israelis to hold a ceasefire so that over the next six to eight weeks they can ensure full access to food and medicine coming into the country.

According to him, many countries, including Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, are ready to supply food to Gaza.

"I believe there is no excuse for not meeting the medical and food needs of these people. It needs to be done now," the US President emphasized in the interview.


On April 2, WCK, a volunteer organization that provides free meals to victims of the natural disaster, received a report that its employees had been killed as a result of a hit on their cars.

Seven WCK staff members were killed: a Palestinian, citizens of Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, and a volunteer with dual US and Canadian citizenship.

Байден закликає Єгипет і Катар тиснути на ХАМАС для обміну заручниками з Ізраїлем05.04.24, 23:53


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