
Air defense forces shot down two shaheds over Dnipropetrovsk region at night

 • 35347 переглядiв

At night, air defense forces shot down two "shahids" over the Dnipropetrovsk region, one in Dnipro, the other in the Sinelnikovsky district.

At night, sky defenders shot down two shaheds over the Dnipropetrovsk region – in the Dnipro and Sinelnikovsky districts. This was announced by the head of RMA Sergey Lysenko, reports UNN.


It is noted that attacks on the Nikopol region continued. The enemy used kamikaze drones and artillery.

Nikopol, Mirovskaya, Marganetskaya and Chervonogrigoryevskaya communities are under attack. As a result, a man was killed.

A utility company, Infrastructure Facility, and administrative building were damaged. A private house was destroyed, and 5 more were mutilated. 2 country houses, 2 outbuildings and the same number of buildings that were not used were beaten. Power lines were hit.

The consequences are still being clarified.

Армія рф 14 разів атакувала Дніпропетровщину: загинула жінка, є руйнування07.06.24, 18:38


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