UN Commission finds new evidence of mass torture of Ukrainians by Russians

UN Commission finds new evidence of mass torture of Ukrainians by Russians

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 23 2024, 10:40 PM  •  81105 views

The UN Commission found evidence of systematic torture of Ukrainians by the Russian authorities in the occupied territories and in Russia. Widespread schemes of torture, including sexual violence, in places of detention were revealed.

The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Violations in Ukraine has uncovered new evidence of widespread torture schemes by the Russian authorities against Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war in the occupied Ukrainian territories and in Russia. This is stated in the new report of the Commission, UNN reports.


As the Commission said on Monday in its latest update to the Human Rights Council, the wide geographical coverage and widespread patterns of torture demonstrate that torture was carried out as a routine and acceptable practice with a sense of impunity.

The Commission's further investigation into torture indicates that the Russian authorities used torture in the areas of Ukraine that they had taken control of. The new evidence confirms the Commission's previous conclusion that torture by the Russian authorities was widespread,

- the press release says.

It is noted that the Commission has identified additional common elements in the use of torture by the Russian authorities, confirming previous conclusions about the systematic nature of these actions. One of these elements is the recurring practice of violent methods in places of detention in the Russian Federation, where prisoners from Ukraine are held. It is noted that this practice is observed in several large penitentiary institutions in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The UN emphasized that the common element that emerges from the evidence indicates the coordinated involvement of employees of specific services of the Russian Federation in torture in all places of detention that the Commission is investigating.

The next common feature is the systematic use of sexual violence, mainly against men, as a method of torture, which is observed in almost all of these places of detention. In addition, the Commission takes note of the testimonies of former detainees about penitentiary staff in the Russian Federation who indicate orders for ill-treatment,

- the Commission said.

Testimonies also show that in some places of detention, orders for ill-treatment were given by high-ranking Russian authorities who either approved or failed to take action to stop such treatment.

The victim (a civilian), who was tortured for ten consecutive days, told the Commission: "The worst thing was that the perpetrators did everything in silence and in a professional manner. That's how I realized that they tortured many people, and they didn't even consider us human beings.

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The Commission also continues to document attacks using explosive weapons on civilian objects in populated areas, with devastating consequences. It has investigated attacks that have targeted medical facilities, cultural sites, residential buildings and supermarkets in government-controlled areas.

As the Commission continues its investigation into Russia's large-scale attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, some of which have caused power outages and affected millions of citizens, it has found new evidence of the impact of these attacks on the health and well-being of the population. The power outages particularly affected vulnerable groups. The power outages also disrupted online education, particularly affecting displaced children and children with disabilities, who are more likely to rely on distance learning.

The Commission reiterated the importance of continuing investigations, identifying perpetrators and bringing them to justice, and providing comprehensive support to victims. It calls on all parties to cooperate and coordinate efforts on these important issues,

- the UN noted.

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