The government has changed the procedure for obtaining a certificate for the right to work with pesticides

The government has changed the procedure for obtaining a certificate for the right to work with pesticides

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 5 2024, 02:28 PM  •  23445 views

The government has amended the procedure for obtaining a certificate for the right to work with pesticides, allowing legal entities and individuals to apply for training and certification through a single application to the state food and consumer service or administrative service centers.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the procedure for obtaining a certificate of the right to work with pesticides. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and food informs about the adoption by the government of the relevant resolution, reports UNN.


It is reported that the government adopted Resolution No. 640 at a regular meeting. The document was developed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and food in compliance with the law "on administrative procedure".

The resolution provides for:

  • ensuring the right of legal entities and individuals to participate in administrative proceedings regarding obtaining a certificate of the right to work with pesticides;
  • the possibility of obtaining a training service on safe handling of pesticides and obtaining a certificate of the right to work with pesticides on a single application. This application can be submitted to the territorial body of the State Food and Consumer Service or the Center for providing administrative services.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy notes that the resolution eliminates duplication of terminology of legislation, and its implementation will regulate the procedure for considering and resolving cases related to obtaining a certificate for the right to work with pesticides, as well as bring this area closer to European standards.


The current harvest of grain and oilseeds is projected at the level of about 74-75 million tons, but everything will depend on weather conditions. 

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