The estimated resources for the defense and security sector will exceed UAH 2 trillion next year - the Ministry of Finance

The estimated resources for the defense and security sector will exceed UAH 2 trillion next year - the Ministry of Finance

Kyiv  •  UNN

July 26 2024, 12:29 PM  •  24405 views

Finance Minister Sergii Marchenko said that the estimated resources for the defense and security sector in 2025 will exceed UAH 2 trillion. The budget declaration for 2025-2027 has already been submitted to the Parliament.

Finance Minister Sergii Marchenko said that an estimated resource of UAH 2 trillion will be allocated for the security and defense sector in 2025. He said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

I would like to point out that the estimated resource for 2025 for the security and defense sector will be more than UAH 2 trillion

- Marchenko said.

He said that there is already a budget declaration for 2025-2027 and it has been submitted to the Parliament, and the Ministry of Finance will decide on its priorities later.


Finance Minister Sergiy Marchenko said that the country's needs sometimes do not coincide with its capabilities, so it is necessary to raise UAH 500 billionn for defense spending, part of which will be covered by additional sources of income, namely tax increases.