The enemy uses them almost immediately after production: Yevlash on the conclusions of experts studying Russian missiles

The enemy uses them almost immediately after production: Yevlash on the conclusions of experts studying Russian missiles

Kyiv  •  UNN

April 9 2024, 06:32 PM  •  30318 views

Russia is using new missiles manufactured in 2023-2024 to strike Ukraine almost immediately after their production, according to experts who have examined the wreckage of enemy missiles shot down in Ukraine.

Experts examining the wreckage of enemy missiles shot down in Ukraine have concluded that Russia uses them almost immediately after production. This was reported by the spokesman of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ilya Yevlash on the air of "We are Ukraine", UNN writes.


According to him, the enemy is already using missiles produced this year to strike Ukraine.

"The weapon itself is not new. However, these missiles were manufactured in recent years, i.e. 2023-2024. According to our colleagues from the research and expert center, who are directly involved in the study of these fragments, these missiles are fresh. That is, as soon as the missile was manufactured, it was immediately used. This is evidenced by the fresh components that have been manufactured in the coming months," Yevlash said.

The spokesman added that, according to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, up to 950 missiles can be stored in Russia's warehouses. The enemy still accumulates a certain number of them. In the period between massive missile strikes, it actively uses Shakedowns to, among other things, locate Ukrainian air defense systems.


Experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise previously foundthat the enemy began using missiles produced in the second half of 2023 against Ukraine at the end of December.

"I can say that both on December 29 and January 2, 2024, X-101 missiles produced in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2023 were used. The 97th series of these missiles is the newest. They came off the assembly line, and they are slightly in a new version, but they are standard X-101 missiles. That is, they continue to produce and have new ones in service.

The 400 missiles that were used in December were also produced in the 3rd quarter of last year. 48 series - new bodies, new missiles. We found them, identified them, and we can say that the enemy is using them," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of KFI.