The CPA explained how russia uses AI and social networks in information warfare

The CPA explained how russia uses AI and social networks in information warfare

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 27 2024, 03:12 PM  •  6733 views

The Center for Countering Disinformation warns about the danger of AI images of Ukrainian military in social media. These posts can be used by russia to promote malicious narratives and fraud.

The images of the allegedly Ukrainian military, generated by artificial intelligence and distributed on social media, contain a number of dangers. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council, UNN reports.


The CPD noted that a large number of posts are circulating in the Ukrainian segment of social networks that contain photos with obvious signs of artificial intelligence generation of allegedly Ukrainian military, with calls to congratulate them on their birthday or wedding. There are also similar posts about rescued animals, children or the elderly. 

Such posts are often shared by bots, and their goal is to evoke emotions and encourage people to respond. This way, these photos receive thousands of interactions from real users, which helps to promote pages quickly. 

These social media pages can be used by russia in its information war against Ukraine. In particular, pages with AI images gather a large audience that is not too critical of what they see online and is susceptible to information manipulation. This gives the enemy a platform to promote narratives that are dangerous for Ukraine

- the message says. 

Another threat of such posts is that they can be used for fraud, as they often contain malicious links disguised, for example, as a petition to be signed.


According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the Kremlin is conducting a targeted propaganda campaign on social media, spreading videos showing Ukrainian men allegedly vacationing abroad.

Russian propaganda promotes manipulations about “happy occupation” of Kherson region - CPJSeptember 4 2024, 02:37 PM • 30439 views